在2023年4月15日“项目融合《指南》专题分享论坛”中,来自上海青浦区世界外国语幼儿园(以下简称“青浦世幼”)的钱兰华园长、安茜博士、陈奕主任和张煜莹老师作为分享嘉宾,立足青浦世幼的课程实践,以“合而不同,美美与共”为主题,对核心素养下IB PYP本土化课程建构与实施的思考进行了专题分享。


On April 15th, 2023, at the "Guidelines for Project Integration Forum," Qian Lanhua, the principal of Shanghai Qingpu World Foreign Language Kindergarten (hereinafter referred to as "Qingpu World Kindergarten"), along with Dr. An Qian, Director Chen Yi, and Teacher Zhang Yuying, presented as guest speakers. Based on the curriculum practice at Qingpu World Kindergarten, the theme of their presentation was "Unity in Diversity, Beauties in Harmony." They discussed and shared the construction and implementation of a localized IB PYP curriculum under the framework of core competencies.


Understand IB PYP Localization


根深才能叶茂,只有扎根中国大地的IB PYP才更具生命力。青浦世幼”美好课程“生根、发芽、开花、结果的过程与PYP本土化探索之路交融共生。


Only when rooted deeply in the Chinese land can the IB PYP flourish with greater vitality. The process of "rooting, sprouting, blossoming, and bearing fruit" of our "Beautiful Curriculum" at Qingpu World Foreign Language Kindergarten has intertwined with our exploration of PYP localization.



”橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳“。IB PYP的理念和框架在世界范围内幻化出的课程同工异曲,多元一体。IB PYP本土化是规律始然,更是双向奔赴。IB PYP的本土化是在坚守中华文化自信,增强中华文化认同,不断地探寻中国国家课程和PYP课程深度交融、相融相通的过程,是一种我中有你,你中有我的和谐状态。


As the saying goes, "Oranges grown in the south of Huai River are oranges, while those grown in the north are zhī (oranges but without orange taste any more)." The concepts and framework of the IB PYP have given rise to diverse yet unified curricula around the world. The localization of IB PYP is not only a natural trend but also a two-way endeavor. The localization of IB PYP involves upholding confidence in Chinese culture, enhancing Chinese cultural identity, and constantly exploring the deep integration and communication between Chinese national curriculum and PYP curriculum. It represents a harmonious state of "you in me, and me in you."


Unlock the Challenge of IB PYP Localization

解锁IB PYP本土化的挑战



Challenge 1: The difficulty of curriculum objectives lies in "integration."



Based on the educational philosophy of the kindergarten, it is necessary to conduct multidimensional comparisons of the development goals of young children under multiple systems, convert different discourse systems into synonyms, and then add (+) or delete (-) on this basis, integrate (➗), and generate (✖) to form the curriculum objectives of the kindergarten.





At the same time, based on collective discussions and on-site observations, we continuously optimize the balance and hierarchy of curriculum objectives in terms of domain content and age characteristics.



Challenge 2: The difficulty of curriculum content lies in "reconstruction."





Firstly, the creation of content structure involves the integration of two dimensions: whether the curriculum has selectivity and whether it is beneficial to children's development, to create a curriculum structure under the beautiful curriculum.





Secondly, transformation under concept-driven education involves selecting materials from a conceptual perspective that can serve the central idea and support children in forming transferable conceptual understanding according to the needs of the inquiry unit.



Challenge 3: The difficulty of curriculum evaluation lies in "integrating innovation."





Firstly, it is necessary to develop assessment indicators for the development of young children at various age stages based on the kindergarten curriculum objectives, and implement observation and evaluation based on various aspects of daily life.






Secondly, through a multi-perspective approach, using methods such as work analysis, interviews, children's meetings, voting, and questionnaires to "listen" to young children, enriching the examination of learning and recording the colorful development images of young children.





Finally, according to kindergarten evaluation policies, standardize various evaluation tools and operational requirements, and guide evaluation towards improving the development of young children and the quality of the curriculum.


The Rational Thinking and Practical Path for Formulating POI






Drawing on the principles of breadth, balance, and integration in the PYP framework to address two main issues: first, aligning the kindergarten's curriculum goals with the POI, and second, establishing and adjusting the various elements of the PYP.





Unity in diversity, seeking common ground while respecting differences. We must not only respect the logical wisdom of the PYP, but also understand and leverage the PYP elements to cultivate future citizens in our local curriculum objectives. At the same time, we must also strengthen our cultural confidence in the local curriculum, inheriting and promoting the new vitality of the local curriculum in the process of PYP localization. The approach is to gradually and spirally integrate the local curriculum objectives and PYP elements, which requires the support of a methodological framework.





By leveraging the POI coordinate system, we can integrate the local curriculum objectives and transdisciplinary elements on the horizontal axis perspective, across different themes within the same age group, as well as on the vertical axis perspective, for the same theme across different age groups.





Under the integrated target system of POI framework, how can we incorporate the PYP elements into specific transdisciplinary themes and pave the way for a shared curriculum vision?





Based on the central idea of the inquiry theme, we analyze which PYP elements are more valuable for children's development in this theme. Due to differences in children's age characteristics and inquiry theme content, there may be differences in the proportion of PYP elements, and we need to appropriately strengthen them in other sections of the curriculum structure in the school.


The Rational Thinking and Practical Path for Revising the Subject Scope and Sequence





Beauty and harmony are shared by all, and the world is united. We appreciate the international perspective of the PYP subject scope and sequence, accept and embrace the guiding value of the subject scope and sequence for the local curriculum framework, and also follow the scientific connotation of the local "Guidelines", integrating and linking the new opportunities explored in the implementation of PYP localization with the local education goals.





Our implementation model follows a top-down and holistic approach, where we start from the big picture and gradually zoom in on the details. We believe that by connecting sub-fields within each discipline, we can fully leverage the educational value of each subject area and enable learning outcomes to guide educational activities. To achieve this, we adopt a comparative perspective to deconstruct the whole into its components and reconstruct each component to meet the balanced and comprehensive requirements of both the local curriculum guidelines and the PYP curriculum scope and sequence.





Collaboration is a curriculum construction method advocated by the PYP, which is a beautiful culture formed in the process of localizing the implementation of the PYP. How the scope and sequence of subjects under the background of collaboration are co-created?





The beauty of organization in collaboration is the wisdom presented by Chinese and foreign teachers' understanding and summarization of children's developmental indicators. The beauty of rigor in implementation reflects the self-requirements for professional advancement of Chinese and foreign teachers when matching and applying the scope and sequence of subjects. The beauty of reflection in closed loop is based on the concept of assessment for learning, which promotes children's development and adjusts the starting point of the next UOI or POI based on learning evidence.





The seven key concepts of the PYP cover the breadth of understanding, while related concepts are more detailed explorations of the key concepts, focusing on the depth of understanding. All subjects have related concepts that reflect their specific content nature, which are sometimes referred to as subject concepts/ interdisciplinary concepts. Many shadows of related concepts can be found in the core experiences of various fields in early childhood PCK. For example, "concepts" is explicitly mentioned in language PCK, and "art elements" in art PCK can be understood as subject concepts of the art subject. Although they are named differently, these words that point to the nature of subject content are actually what we usually call subject concepts.





Harmony in diversity means seeking unity in diversity, respecting, understanding, and accommodating the beauty in the context of diverse education. Sharing beauty together means pursuing beauty in symbiosis, discovering, creating, and transmitting the beauty in the process of exploring localization.





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Reflections on the Construction and Implementation of PYP Localized Curriculum