
广东碧桂园学校小学部 王久红




Guangdong Country Garden School has gone through 18 years of integration exploration of the Chinese national curriculum with the PYP since its PYP authorization. On April 15th, 2023, in the CISA sharing session of IB China Education Forum in Beijing, Josie Wang, Vice principal of Primary Section of Guangdong Country Garden School, gave a general interpretation of the ways to integration to the schools that have implemented PYP programs across the country.





The lecture started from how to find the third space of integrating Chinese and Western education. Except for some experienced PYP schools, the participants gave the highest difficulty rating for this century problem. But how to solve the problem? Integration is the only way to realize it. The release of a new curriculum standards for compulsory education in 2022 also gives a clear answer, since the reform of national compulsory education is to integrate advanced educational concepts of China and the West too. 





In the new curriculum standard of compulsory education, it is necessary to find similar items consistent with PYP and find logical common points, so as to organically integrate seemingly different systems and construct them as a whole.




Then, where should we get started?




First, there is the integration of written curriculum. The integration of curriculum standards needs to refer to the PYP subject scope and sequence and the 2022 CNC curriculum standard. Schools also need to integrate their own school-based curriculum and develop school-based integrated curriculum standards, which will be the first important document for curriculum implementation. On this basis, the subject curriculum map is to be developed, and the specific teaching tasks and objectives are clearly defined in each unit so that teachers can clearly know their goal and try to reach it.




Secondly, for the curriculum setting, we need to compare the language of different subjects in the new curriculum standard and PYP. Then we need to find similar items and merge them directly, and work out the fields that can be integrated with different items, so as to realize the integration of curriculum setting.




Moreover, when developing the transdisciplinary programme of inquiry in schools, it is necessary to give full consideration to the teaching content in the national compulsory education textbooks, the schools need to sort out the similar content to the maximum extent, form the inquiry theme that can cover the contents of the textbooks as much as possible, and develop the integrated transdisciplinary programme of inquiry. The formulation of the programme of inquiry requires the participation of all teachers, and each discipline should fully consider whether the subject-specific areas can be truly implemented in teaching, rather than solely remaining on paper in the document.





Next, schools could integrate by big-unit teaching. Big-unit, big concept, transdiscipline, and concept-driven are the core concepts of PYP transdisciplinary teaching. Although it is subject based, the big-unit teaching already has certain transdisciplinary nature. It can be understood as a stand-alone subject unit of inquiry of PYP which is consistent in teaching concept. The PYP unit of inquiry has a wider range of subject focus and can integrate more  different subjects.




Finally, integration can happen through pedagogy as well. The teaching approaches such as inquiry-based, authentic learning, collaboration are well-used in both systems. The integration of teaching approaches can only take place with a deep understanding of these approaches and their flexible use in classroom settings.




At the end of the lecture, Josie Wang raised an illuminating question: Should integration be the integration of the national curriculum with PYP framework or the integration of the core elements of PYP with the national curriculum? Each school should come up with its own plan that meets the requirements of the national curriculum and the PYP according to its own situation.





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Deep analysis of the integration path of the International Baccalaureate Organization's primary school program