
IB is committed to providing schools with teaching philosophies, curriculum frameworks, and methods of inquiry. With the promulgation of the new curriculum standards, IB is also actively considering innovations in the integration of curriculum building and teaching practices.



After a three-year hiatus, the 4th IB China Education Forum will be held in Beijing, 15th April, 2023. The forum will focus on "Collaboration ·Integration ·Innovation - Empowering Modern Curriculum to Embrace Future,” inviting experts and educators to exchange and share advanced ideas and practices to promote the development and innovation of K12 curriculum in China. There will be more than 50 sessions to provide participants with a feast of international and localized education practices, especially in the areas of kindergarten, primary school and middle school education.







IB MYP科学课程与国家课程融合的探索

Integration of MYP Science with the Chinese National Curriculum






张蕙蕙 Candice Zhang


- 北京市私立汇佳学校初中部科学组组长


- 参与编写《国际文凭组织中学项目课程融合指南》



We take this opportunity to continue to explore the integration of MYP science curriculum. Taking MYP Chemistry as an example, how to change the knowledge structure how to adopt a bottom-up approach to build unit framework and content through chemical concepts, how to integrate the "Situationalization" and "Gamification" into daily teaching and how to naturally design summative assessments to deepen the development of scientific thinking and promote conceptual understanding will be explained in this session.





How to Integrate the Assessed Curriculum of MYP from the Perspective of Subject Key Competences






李雯 Wen Li


- 上海市民办尚德实验学校融合部课程中心主任


- 参与编写《国际文凭组织中学项目课程融合指南》



This session focuses on "how to integrate middle school assessed curriculum from the perspective of subject key competences" based on the experience and practice of Shanghai Shangde Experimental School in the past ten years. Taking Chinese, Science, Mathematics and other subjects as examples from the perspectives of assessment objectives, assessment tasks, and assessment rules, the junior high school assessed curriculum is analyzed based on the multidimensional curriculum comparisons as the premise of integration and the ‘subject key competences’ as the important integration essence.





Planning and Implementation of Interdisciplinary Unit and Community Project in Integrated Curriculum






张月 Zoe Zhang


- 广州市凤凰城中英文学校MYP项目协调员

- 参与编写《国际文凭组织中学项目课程融合指南》



Interdisciplinary learning and community project by the MYP, can actually develop students’ key competences. Taking Guangzhou Phoenix City International School as an example, this session will examine how interdisciplinary unit and Community Project are implemented under the new Chinese national curriculum standards.





Leadership Development of MYP Integrated Curriculum






张文雯 Wenwen Zhang


- 广州斐特思学校中学副校长兼MYP协调员



In integrated curriculum, schools need to set up some roles in the organizational structure, create conditions for collaborative lesson preparation, and set a systematic and flexible teacher professional development training mechanism. This session will share a sample of the school organization structure, curriculum setting, collaboration, and teacher professional development when developing the integrated curriculum.









Subject Inquiry Design of PYP Curriculum Integration






张萍 Apple Zhang


- 中黄教育集团学术委员会委员、中黄外国语小学副校长


- 参与编写《国际文凭组织小学项目课程融合指南》



The integration of the CNC and PYP curriculum framework is explored using the example of the disciplinary inquiry in ZWIE. The two should be compared and integrated in terms of conceptual understanding, inquiry-based approach, approaches to learning (ATL) and assessment in accordance with the principle of less but better to produce a school-based subject scope and sequence that can achieve twice as much with half the work. The POI and the Scope & Sequence state that when content cannot be integrated directly, concepts should be integrated. Teachers' agency should also be supported through professional development.





Design and Practice of Assessment Tasks in the Primary Integrated Curriculum






李丽娜 Yolanda Li


- 上海市民办尚德实验学校融合部小学课程主任

- 华东师范大学国际教师证书项目客座讲师

- 参与多项国家级课题与上海市课题的研究与主持工作

- 参与编写《国际文凭组织小学项目课程融合指南》



Through comparing the purpose, contents and methods of assessment in PYP with those in the national curriculum, we understand the culture, purposes, criteria and contents of the assessment that should be established in the integrated primary program. Taking the assessment tasks, designed and applied in the daily teaching of Shangde Integrated Department as an example, we analyze the various factors that teachers should consider when designing assessment tasks, and categorize and summarize the design methods of assessment tasks in the integrated primary program in order to enhance teachers' ability to design effective assessment tasks.




合而不同 融而化之——数学和科学学科与小学项目融合的设计

Design of the Curriculum Integration of Mathematics and Science with PYP






管俊 Jun Guan


- 杭州维翰学校课程研发中心主任、PYP项目协调员

- 参与编写《国际文凭组织小学项目课程融合指南》



Based on the curriculum integration practice of Hangzhou Wickham School, this speech analyzes the integration design of PYP in regards to the national curriculum for science and mathematics. More specifically, relating to the three dimensions of organizational structure, institutional arrangement and strategy, with a view to improving the school's ability to promote curriculum integration.





In-depth Analysis of How to Achieve IB PYP Integration






王久红 Josie Wang


- 广东碧桂园学校小学部副校长


- 参与教育部基础教育课程教材发展中心、课程教材研究所的课题研究

- 参与编写《国际文凭组织小学项目课程融合指南》



Based on the core philosophy of the new curriculum standard of national compulsory education and PYP, starting from the curriculum setting of primary school, the development of a trans-disciplinary unit of inquiry and disciplinary unit of inquiry, and the integration of teaching and learning approaches, we will share the practical experience of the primary section of Guangdong Country Garden School, and deeply interpret the strategies and methods of primary school curriculum integration, to help teachers move from theory to the real practice of integration.







《合而不同,美美与共——核心素养下IB PYP本土化课程建构与实施的思考》

Harmony in diversity, in reciprocal prosperity—— Reflections on the Construction and Implementation of IB PYP Localization Curriculum under Core Literacy






钱兰华 Emily Qian


- 上海青浦区世界外国语幼儿园执行园长

- 中学高级教师、 区学科带头人,种子计划主持人

- 曾获得全国“宋庆龄幼儿教育奖”等荣誉



陈奕 Eve Chen


- 上海青浦区世界外国语幼儿园课程主任、中文协调员



张煜莹 Sean Zhang


- 上海青浦区世界外国语幼儿园教学部专员



安茜 Ann


- 上海世外幼教集团研发部经理

- 上海师范大学学前教育专业博士



Focus on the construction and implementation of IBPYP localization under key competencies, returning to the practical exploration of PYP localization, we will share with you the WFLK experience of the implementation of IBPYP localization around topics such as the local revision, improvement and application of the POI and the scope and sequence of disciplines, the relationship between preset and generation in the UOI inquiry cycle, and the support and guidance of the PYP to the special courses and extended courses of the kindergarten.




玩耍即探究——IB PYP本土化实施分享

Play as Inquiry—Sharing of IB PYP Implementation Practice






陈瑶 Yao Chen


- 金苹果天府国际社区幼儿园PYP协调员


- 参与《地方文化与国际幼儿园课程融合实践》课题研究

- 参与编写《IB PYP (幼儿阶段)本土化实施指南》



Robert Brien


- 金苹果锦城湖幼儿园PYP协调员

- 参与编写《IB PYP(幼儿阶段)本土化实施指南》



钟雪梅 Michelle Zhong


- 金苹果美宇幼儿园副园长兼PYP协调员

- 华东师范大学国际教师证书项目客座讲师

- 参与编写《IB PYP(幼儿园阶段)本土化实施指南》


在幼儿阶段的学习中,玩耍/游戏是中国学前教育和IB PYP都强调的重点。此次论坛,三位来自金苹果的协调员将分享如何通过发展POI、协作计划、设计支持玩耍/游戏的学习空间和学习体验,让玩耍/游戏更具有探究性。

Play is of central importance in early years learning, which is strongly identified in both the Chinese national curriculum and IB PYP documents. In this session, PYP Coordinators from three Golden Apple authorized PYP kindergartens, will share their experiences of supporting play as inquiry through the development of the POI, collaborative planning, and the design of learning spaces and engagements.




兼容并蓄,高质发展—IB PYP本土化评估的思与行

From Thinking to Doing - High Quality and Effective Assessments Practices of the Integrated PYP Early Years






方程琦 Selena Fang


- 上海浦东新区民办维多利亚幼儿园课程副园长,IB PYP项目课程协调员

- 参与编写《IB PYP(幼儿园阶段)本土化实施指南》



酉俊霞 Betty Yau


- 苏州工业园区维园幼儿园IB PYP项目课程协调员&教学助理

- 苏州市教育学会“十四五”(重点)课题主持人

- 市级、区级民办优秀教师



魏曼丽 Mary Wei


- 深圳福田区维多利亚幼儿园PYP项目课程协调员,园长助理

- 参与编写《IB PYP(幼儿阶段)本土化实施指南》

- 中国学前教育研究会“十二五”课题的核心成员

- 市级、区级优秀教师



This sharing session will elaborate the thoughts and actions of localized assessments from different perspectives. What does the localized comprehensive assessment plan include? What are the core elements that the comprehensive assessment content points to? How can assessments help children become self-regulated lifelong learners? How to implement evaluation methods and strategies that are child-centered, comprehensive, and diverse?



We welcome all IB schools, IB candidate schools and any school interested in the IB programme to attend. You will gain pedagogical wisdom on integrated teaching and learning from the forum. We look forward to your participation!




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